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Mishnayos Temurah Perek 5 Mishnah 5

תמורה פרק ה׳ משנה ה׳


This mishna discusses the language that serves to effect substitution. If one said: This non-sacred animal is hereby in place of that consecrated animal, or if he said: It is the substitute of that consecrated animal, or if one said: It is the exchange for that consecrated animal, that non-sacred animal is a substitute. If he said: This consecrated animal is desacralized, with its sanctity transferred to that non-sacred animal, that non-sacred animal is not a substitute. And if the consecrated animal was blemished, and he said: This consecrated animal is desacralized, with its sanctity transferred to that non-sacred animal, the consecrated animal is desacralized and assumes non-sacred status, by Torah law. By rabbinic law, the owner is required to conduct an appraisal to ascertain the relative value of the two animals. If the consecrated animal was worth more than the non-sacred animal, he must pay the difference to the Temple treasury.

הֲרֵי זוֹ תַחַת זוֹ, תְּמוּרַת זוֹ, חֲלוּפַת זוֹ, הֲרֵי זוֹ תְמוּרָה. זוֹ מְחֻלֶּלֶת עַל זוֹ, אֵינוֹ תְמוּרָה. וְאִם הָיָה הֶקְדֵּשׁ בַּעַל מוּם, יוֹצֵא לְחֻלִּין וְצָרִיךְ לַעֲשׂוֹת דָּמִים:


תחת זו חליפי זו תמורת זו – all of them are the language of substitution/exchange.

מחוללת – it is the language of desecration/defamation. And he didn’t say anything, for a sacred pure animal goes out to unconsecrated purposes.

ואם היה הקדש בעל מום יצא לחולין – even though it is not worth like that of a consecrated animal with a blemish, according to the Torah, even something sanctified that is worth one-hundred Maneh that was redeemed for the equivalent of a penny, it is redeemed. And even though it went out to an unconsecrated purpose from the Torah, one must, according to the Rabbis make money, meaning to say, to pay the money so that the sanctified thing will not become overcharged, but from the Torah, there is no overreaching for that which is sanctified, as it is written (Leviticus 25:14): “you shall not wrong one another,” your brother/another person, but not that which is sanctified.

תחת זו חליפת זו תמורת זו. כולן לשון תמורה הן:

מחוללת. לשון חילול הוא. ולא אמר כלום, שאין בהמת קודש תמימה יוצאה לחולין:

ואם היה הקדש בעל מום יצא לחולין. אע״פ שאינו שוה כמו ההקדש בעל מום. דדבר תורה אפילו הקדש שוה מאה מנה שחללו על שוה פרוטה, מחולל. ואע״פ שיצא לחולין מן התורה, צריך לעשות דמים מדרבנן, כלומר, להשלים הדמים שלא יתאנה ההקדש. אבל מן התורה אין אונאה להקדש, דכתיב (ויקרא כ״ה:י״ד) אל תונו איש את אחיו, אחיו ולא הקדש: