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Today's Mishnah Yomi

Bava Metzia 7:10 - 7:11

The Mishnah Yomi for Tuesday, October 22, 2024 is Bava Metzia 7:10 - 7:11

Mishnah 1

Mishnayos Bava Metzia Perek 7 Mishnah 10

בבא מציעא פרק ז׳ משנה י׳


If the animal died in its normal manner, this is considered a circumstance beyond one’s control; if he afflicted it by overworking it or by negligent treatment and it died, this is not considered a circumstance beyond one’s control. If the animal ascended to the top of a cliff and fell down and died, this is considered a circumstance beyond one’s control. If the shepherd himself brought it up to the top of a cliff and it fell down and died, this is not considered a circumstance beyond one’s control. The halakhot of bailees stated in the previous mishna apply to standard cases. The halakha is that in any case involving monetary matters the parties may agree to special terms. Therefore, an unpaid bailee may stipulate with the owner that he will be exempt from taking an oath if the item is lost, and similarly, a borrower may stipulate that he will be exempt from having to pay, and a paid bailee or a renter can stipulate that he will be exempt from taking an oath and from having to pay, as one can relinquish his monetary rights. With regard to matters that do not involve monetary claims, anyone who stipulates counter to that which is written in the Torah, his stipulation is void.

מֵתָה כְדַרְכָּהּ, הֲרֵי זֶה אֹנֶס. סִגְּפָהּ וָמֵתָה, אֵינוֹ אֹנֶס. עָלְתָה לְרָאשֵׁי צוּקִין וְנָפְלָה וָמֵתָה, הֲרֵי זֶה אֹנֶס. הֶעֱלָהּ לְרָאשֵׁי צוּקִין וְנָפְלָה וָמֵתָה, אֵינוֹ אֹנֶס. מַתְנֶה שׁוֹמֵר חִנָּם לִהְיוֹת פָּטוּר מִשְּׁבוּעָה, וְהַשּׁוֹאֵל לִהְיוֹת פָּטוּר מִלְּשַׁלֵּם, נוֹשֵׂא שָׂכָר וְהַשּׂוֹכֵר לִהְיוֹת פְּטוּרִין מִשְּׁבוּעָה וּמִלְּשַׁלֵּם:


סגפה – caused her privation with hunger or placed her in the heat in the summer or in the cold during the winter.

עלתה לראשי צוקין – she overpowered him and went up to the top of high mountains.

מתנה שומר חנם להיות פטור משבועה – that is not making a stipulation contrary to what is written in the Torah, but when he says to him: “It is impossible for me to be your bailee other than with this. And the bailee does not go down to his guarding until he pulls the animal. And this when he pulls the animal he has already explained on the condition that he has no oath upon him, nor has mortgaged himself to go down in the law of the bailee, other than in part. And for what he went down, he went down.

סגפה. עינה אותה ברעב או שהושיבה בקיץ בחמה ובחורף בצנה:

עלתה לראשי צוקין. שתקפתו ועלתה לראשי הרים גבוהים:

מתנה שומר חנם להיות פטור משבועה. והאי לאו מתנה על מה שכתוב בתורה הוא, אלא שאומר לו אי אפשי להיות שומר לך אלא בכך. ושומר לא נחית לשמירה עד דמשיך לבהמה, והאי כי משך כבר פירש על מנת שאין לו עליו שבועה, ולא שעבד נפשיה לירד בתורת שומרין אלא למקצת, ולמה שירד ירד:

Mishnah 2

Mishnayos Bava Metzia Perek 7 Mishnah 11

בבא מציעא פרק ז׳ משנה י"א


And any condition that is preceded by an action, i.e., the agreement is formulated with the promise of an action followed by a statement that this action will be carried out only under certain terms, the condition is void and the promise remains intact. The condition must be stated before the action. And with regard to any condition that one can ultimately fulfill, but he stipulated with him initially, i.e., in practice the action is performed first, followed by the fulfillment of the condition, nevertheless, because it was formulated in the proper manner, with the condition first, his condition is valid. If the condition cannot be fulfilled at all, once the action has been carried out the condition is void.

כָּל הַמַּתְנֶה עַל מַה שֶּׁכָּתוּב בַּתּוֹרָה, תְּנָאוֹ בָטֵל. וְכָל תְּנַאי שֶׁיֵּשׁ מַעֲשֶׂה בִתְחִלָּתוֹ, תְּנָאוֹ בָטֵל. וְכָל שֶׁאֶפְשָׁר לוֹ לְקַיְּמוֹ בְסוֹפוֹ, וְהִתְנָה עָלָיו מִתְּחִלָּתוֹ, תְּנָאוֹ קַיָּם:


כל המתנה על מה שכתוב בתורה תנאו בטל – The entire Mishnah is [according to] Rabbi Meir, who holds that a person who makes a stipulation against what is written in the Torah, even in a manner of money, his condition is null/void, and is not the Halakha. But in a manner of money, even after he stipulated against what was written in the Torah, his condition is valid.

כל תנאי שיש בו מעשה מתחלה – that he advanced the act that he has do to the stipulation that he requests from him, such as “behold this act is yours if you will do a certain thing, and it is not similar to the condition stipulation of the children of Gad and the children of Reuven (Numbers 32:29): “if [every shock-fighter among the Gadites and the Reubenites] crosses…you shall give them [the land of Gilead as a holding],” which is a stipulation prior to an action.

תנאו בטל – the action is valid and even though the person who made the stipulation did not fulfill the stipulation.

וכל שאפשר לו לקיימו בסופו – and the stipulation was prior to the action.

תנאו קיים – but it is impossible for him to fulfill it, the stipulation is null/void and the action is fulfilled, for it is not other than an evasive reply, for it is not in his heart to make a stipulation other than to merely annoy him, distancing and putting off his fellow with words.

כל המתנה על מה שכתוב בתורה תנאו בטל. כולה מתניתין ר׳ מאיר היא דסבר המתנה על מה שכתוב בתורה אפילו בדבר שבממון תנאו בטל. ואינה הלכה. אלא בדבר שבממון אפילו שהתנה על מה שכתוב בתורה תנאו קיים:

כל תנאי שיש בו מעשה מתחלה. שהקדים מעשה שיש עליו לעשות לתנאי שהוא מבקש ממנו, כגון הרי מעשה זה שלך אם תעשה דבר פלוני, דלא דמי לתנאי בני גד ובני ראובן אם יעברו ונתתם היינו תנאי קודם למעשה:

תנאו בטל. והוי מעשה קיים ואע״פ שלא קיים בעל התנאי את התנאי:

וכל שאפשר לו לקיימו בסופו. והיה תנאי קודם למעשה:

תנאו קיים. אבל אי אפשר לו לקיימו, התנאי בטל והמעשה קיים, שאינו אלא במפליג בדברים, שאין בלבו לשום תנאי אלא להקניט בעלמא מרחיק ודוחה את חבירו בדברים:

Mishnah Yomi FAQ

  • What is Mishnah Yomi?

    Mishnah Yomi is a daily study program where participants study two mishnayot (individual teachings from the Mishnah) every day. By following this program, one can complete the entire Mishnah in about six years.

  • What is the Mishnah?

    The Mishnah is the first major written collection of Jewish oral traditions, forming the basis of the Talmud. It dates back to around 200 CE and consists of teachings and discussions of Jewish law by various rabbis.

  • Who started the Mishnah Yomi program?

    In 1934, the Kozoglover Gaon, Rav Aryeh Tzvi Frommer, who took over from Rav Meir Shapiro (the founder of Daf Yomi) as the head of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, initiated the Mishnah Yomi cycle, focusing on Seder Zeraim and Seder Taharos. After World War II, in 1947, Rav Yonah Sztencl, a disciple of Rav Frommer, expanded the program, advocating for a comprehensive study of Shishah Sidrei Mishnah. The idea of studying two Mishnayos daily gained the support of figures like Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, the Tchebiner Rov, and the Gerer Rebbe, marking the formal inception of Mishnah Yomi.

  • How long does it take to complete the Mishnah with Mishnah Yomi?

    Following the Mishnah Yomi program, one can complete the Mishnah in approximately six years.

  • Can anyone join Mishnah Yomi?

    Yes, anyone interested in studying the Mishnah can start the Mishnah Yomi cycle. There’s no need for prior knowledge; beginners are welcome.

  • Do I need to know Hebrew to study Mishnah Yomi?

    While the Mishnah is originally in Hebrew, there are numerous translations and commentaries available in various languages, making it accessible to anyone interested in studying.

  • Is there a specific time of day to study Mishnah Yomi?

    There’s no designated time. Participants can choose a time that best fits their schedule.

  • Can I study Mishnah Yomi with a group?

    Yes, many communities and synagogues organize group study sessions for Mishnah Yomi. Studying in a group can enhance understanding and foster camaraderie.

  • What if I miss a day?

    If you miss a day, you can catch up by studying the missed mishnayot alongside the current day’s study or by dedicating some extra time until you’re back on track.

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