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Whether you are learning Mishnayos for a Shloshim, Yahrzeit, or to deepen your understanding, makes it easier by providing you with intuitive digital Mishnah charts, an English translation of the entire Mishnayos, and much more.
Over 683,800 Mishnayos Pledged
Smart Mishnah Charts
Stay organized and up to date with our intuitive digital Mishnah chart. It allows you to track your progress from anywhere, and sends automated reminders to pledgers via email and SMS, ensuring that everyone completes their pledge on time.

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Scan, Pledge, & Learn
Our Mishnah pledge signs make it easy to pledge. This printable sign can be prominently displayed at homes or shuls. With just a quick scan, community members can pledge to learn, seamlessly blending tradition with today’s technology.
The Neshamah Should Have an Aliyah.
Learning Mishnayos in memory of a departed soul, or L’zecher Nishmas, is a valued practice. This practice is rooted in the belief that the Zechus (merit) of Torah study serves as an Aliyah, an elevation, for the soul. Mishnayos is chosen because the word Mishnah shares the same Hebrew letters as Neshama, soul, symbolically linking the study to the elevation of the soul.
Learn Mishnayos Online
Dive into the vast world of Mishnayos with our user-friendly online Mishnayos interface. Access the entire Mishnayos collection, complete with an English translation and the renowned Bartenura commentary, providing valuable insights and explanations.