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Mishnayos Nazir Perek 9 Mishnah 1

נזיר פרק ט׳ משנה א׳


Gentiles do not have naziriteship, i.e., the halakhot of naziriteship do not apply to gentiles. They are not subject to the prohibitions of a nazirite, nor does one accept their offerings at the end of naziriteship. However, women and Canaanite slaves do have naziriteship. The mishna adds: There is a greater stringency in the case of women than in the case of slaves, as a master may force his slave to drink wine, shave his hair, or become ritually impure from a corpse, despite the slave’s vow of naziriteship, but a husband cannot force his wife to transgress her naziriteship. The previous mishna taught that the naziriteship of women includes a stringency that does not apply to slaves. This mishna adds: There is a greater stringency in the case of slaves than in the case of women, as a man can nullify the vows of his wife but he cannot nullify the vows of his slave, despite the fact that he can prevent him from fulfilling them in practice. Similarly, if he nullified the naziriteship of his wife it is permanently nullified, and it remains nullified even if she is later divorced or widowed. Conversely, if he nullified the naziriteship of his slave by forcing him to violate the terms of his vow of naziriteship, when the slave is emancipated he completes his naziriteship. In a case where a slave took a vow of naziriteship but was prevented by his master from fulfilling the terms of his vow, the Sages engaged in a dispute what the halakha would be if he permanently left his master’s presence, i.e., he ran away without being emancipated. Rabbi Meir says: He may not drink wine. Since the slave is free in practice, his vow goes into effect. And Rabbi Yosei says: He may drink wine, as he is not emancipated.

הַגּוֹיִם אֵין לָהֶם נְזִירוּת. נָשִׁים וַעֲבָדִים יֵשׁ לָהֶם נְזִירוּת. חֹמֶר בַּנָּשִׁים מִבָּעֲבָדִים, שֶׁהוּא כוֹפֶה אֶת עַבְדּוֹ וְאֵינוֹ כוֹפֶה אֶת אִשְׁתּוֹ. חֹמֶר בָּעֲבָדִים מִבַּנָּשִׁים, שֶׁהוּא מֵפֵר נִדְרֵי אִשְׁתּוֹ וְאֵינוֹ מֵפֵר נִדְרֵי עַבְדּוֹ. הֵפֵר לְאִשְׁתּוֹ, הֵפֵר עוֹלָמִית. הֵפֵר לְעַבְדּוֹ, יָצָא לְחֵרוּת מַשְׁלִים נְזִירוּתוֹ. עָבַר מִכְּנֶגֶד פָּנָיו, רַבִּי מֵאִיר אוֹמֵר, לֹא יִשְׁתֶּה, וְרַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר, יִשְׁתֶּה:


הגוים אין להם נזירות – even though that heathens sacrifice offerings for vows and free-will donations like Israelites, if he took the vow of becoming a Nazirite, the laws of the Nazirite vow do not apply to him and he is permitted to drink wine and defile himself through contact with the dead, as it is written at the beginning of the portion of the Nazirite (Numbers 6:2): “Speak to the Israelites.” Israelites take the vow of becoming a Nazirite; heathens do not take the vow of becoming a Nazirite.

שהוא כופה את עבדו – h forces him (i.e. his slave) to drink wine and to become defiled through contact with the dead against his will.

ואינו כופה את אשתו – against her will and in other vows which have affliction of the soul or being idle from work, the master cannot force the slave , but rather they are idle from them on their own, as it is written (Numbers 30:2): “[or takes an oath] imposing an obligation on himself;” he whose soul is acquired by him, excluding a slave whose soul is no acquired by him and similarly all of the oaths that a slave took whether they have an affliction of the soul or whether they don’t have an affliction of the soul or his master must force him for on their own they are idle, for he has no domain to himself, but vows which lack affliction of the soul nor have idleness from work to his master, the slave is obligated to fulfill them and his master is not able to force him upon them to cancel them.

מיפר נדרי שאתו ואינו מיפר נדרו עבדו – if he is satisfied/reconciled with the vow that his wife made after he nullified it, and he wants that she should fulfill it, she is not obligated to fulfill it after he has nullified it one time, and if he forces his slave to transgress his vow and afterwards he wants to have him fulfill it, the slave is obligated to fulfill it.

הפר לעבדו יצא לחירות משלים נזירותו – not specifically voided, but rather, forced his slave to drink wine and/or to defile himself through contact with the dead, and afterwards, the slave went free, the [now-former] slave is obligated to complete his Naziriteship after he went out to freedom. And Maimonides explained if he annulled his slave, he goes out to freedom, for a person who says to his slave, “it is annulled for you,” the master’s privilege over the slave rebounds from him (i.e., has no legal effect) and the slaves goes out to freedom on account of this but he must complete his Naziriteship, but my heart hesitates at this explanation.

עבד מכנגד פניו – [a slave] who fled from his master after he took the vow of Naziriteship.

ר"מ אומר לא ישתה יין – in order that he will suffer and return to his master who will force him to violate his vow and he will be permitted to drink wine.

ור' יוסי אומר ישתה – that he will not get sick and die for he will eventually return to his master and his master will search for him and return him, and it is found that it is as if he is in the domain of his master.

הגוים אין להם נזירות. אף על גב דגוים מקריבין נדרים ונדבות כישראל, אם נדר בנזיר אין עליו תורת נזירות ומותר לשתות יין וליטמא למתים, דכתיב בריש פרשת נזיר (במדבר ו׳) דבר אל בני ישראל, בני ישראל נודרים בנזיר ואין גוים נודרים בנזיר:

שהוא כופה את עבדו. כופהו לשתות יין ולהטמא למתים בעל כרחו:

ואינו כופה את אשתו. בעל כרחה. ובשאר נדרים שיש בהם עינוי נפש או בטול מלאכה, אין הרב צריך לכוף את העבד אלא הם בטלים מאליהם, דכתיב (שם ל׳) לאסור אסר על נפשו, מי שנפשו קנויה לו, יצא עבד שאין נפשו קנויה לו. וכן השבועות כולם שנשבע העבד בין שיש בהם עינוי נפש בין שאין בהם עינוי נפש, אין רבו צריך לכופו, שמאליהם בטלים, שהרי אין לו רשות לעצמו. אבל נדרים שאין בהם עינוי נפש ואין בהם ביטול מלאכה לרבו, חייב העבד לקיימם ואין רבו יכול לכופו עליהם לבטלם:

מיפר נדרי אשתו ואינו מיפר נדרי עבדו. שאם נתרצה בנדר שנדרה אשתו אחר שהפר לה ורוצה שתקיימנו אינה חייבת לקיימו אחר שהפר לה פעם א׳. ואם כפה את עבדו לעבור על נדרו ורצה אח״כ בקיומו חייב העבד לקיימו:

הפר לעבדו יצא לחירות משלים נזירותו. לאו דוקא הפר אלא אם כפה את עבדו לשתות יין ולהטמא למתים ואח״כ יצא העבד לחירות, חייב העבד להשלים נזירותו אחר שיצא לחירות. ורמב״ם פירש הפר לעבדו יצא לחירות, שהאומר לעבדו מופר לך, פקע זכות האדון ממנו ויצא העבד לחירות בשביל כן וצריך שישלים נזירותו. ולבי מהסס בפי׳ זה:

עבר מכנגד פניו. שברח מרבו אחר שנדר בנזיר:

ר״מ אומר לא ישתה. יין כדי שיצטער וישוב לרבו שיכפהו לעבור על נדרו ויהיה מותר לשתות יין:

ור׳ יוסי אומר ישתה. שלא יחלה וימות. שהרי עתיד הוא לשוב לרבו שיבקש רבו אחריו ויחזירנו, ונמצא כאילו הוא ברשות רבו: