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Mishnayos Yevamos Perek 11 Mishnah 1

יבמות פרק י"א משנה א׳


One may marry a relative, e.g., the sister or the mother, of the woman he raped and of the woman he seduced. However, one who rapes and one who seduces a relative of the woman who is married to him is liable to receive capital punishment or karet for engaging in prohibited sexual intercourse, depending on the particular family relationship. A man may marry a woman raped by his father, or a woman seduced by his father, or a woman raped by his son, or a woman seduced by his son. Rabbi Yehuda prohibits marriage in the case of a woman raped by his father or a woman seduced by his father.

נוֹשְׂאִין עַל הָאֲנוּסָה וְעַל הַמְפֻתָּה. הָאוֹנֵס וְהַמְפַתֶּה עַל הַנְּשׂוּאָה, חַיָּב. נוֹשֵׂא אָדָם אֲנוּסַת אָבִיו וּמְפֻתַּת אָבִיו, אֲנוּסַת בְּנוֹ וּמְפֻתַּת בְּנוֹ. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹסֵר בַּאֲנוּסַת אָבִיו וּמְפֻתַּת אָבִיו:


נושאין על האנוסה – for after he raped or seduced a woman, it is permitted to marry her daughter or her mother or her sister, as it is written (Leviticus 20:14): “If a man marries a woman and her mother, ‘[it is depravity],” in all of them it is sated, “lying with/שכיבה “ but here, it states “לקיחה/takes in marriage,” to inform you that the manner of taking [to wife] is what the Torah forbade.

רבי יהודה אוסר – as it is written (Deuteronomy 23:1): “No man shall marry his father’s former wife, so as to remove his father’s garment” (i.e., to lay claim to what his father had possessed: Cf. Leviticus 18:8, 20:11, Ezekiel 16:8 and Ruth 3:9). The garment that his father saw, he should not reveal. But the Halakha is not according to the Rabbi Yehuda. But the Sages prohibited those summoned on suspicion of intercourse from the woman. To marry her daughter, or her sister, or her mother or one of her relatives, because she is found with them always, and the come to get accustomed to sin. But if he transgressed and married one of these relatives of the woman he raped or seduced or of the relatives of his wife whom he was suspected of having relations with her, we don’t remove her from his hands. But our Mishnah which teaches: “They marry the kinswomen of a woman who one has raped or seduced,” that applies, even ab initio. We are speaking after the death of the raped or seduced woman, for now, there isn’t a suspicion lest after that he will marry her daughter, he will be faithless with the first.

נושאין על האנוסה. לאחר שאנס או פתה אשה מותר לישא בתה או אמה או אחותה, דכתיב (ויקרא כ׳:י״ד) ואיש אשר יקח את אשה ואת אמה, בכולן נאמר שכיבה וכאן נאמרה לקיחה לומר לך דרך לקיחה אסרה תורה:

רבי יהודה אוסר. דכתיב (דברים כ״ג:א׳-ב׳) לא יקח איש את אשת אביו ולא יגלה כנף אביו, כנף שראה אביו לא יגלה. ואין הלכה כרבי יהודה. אבל חכמים אסרו לנטען מן האשה לישא בתה או אחותה או אמה או אחת מקרובותיה, מפני שהיא מצויה אצלם תמיד ואתו לידי הרגל עבירה. ואם עבר ונשא אחת מקרובות אנוסתו ומפותתו או מקרובות האשה שנחשד עליה אין מוציאין אותה מידו. ומתניתין דקתני נושאין על האנוסה דמשמע אפילו לכתחלה, מיירי לאחר מיתת האנוסה והמפותה, דהשתא ליכא למיחש שמא לאחר שישא בתה יזנה עם הראשונה: