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Mishnayos Tamid Perek 5 Mishnah 5

תמיד פרק ה׳ משנה ה׳


The priest who won the right to bring the coal pan with the coals from the outer altar to the incense altar in the Sanctuary took the silver coal pan, ascended to the top of the outer altar, and cleared the extinguished coals from the perimeter of the flame to here and to there. Then he shoveled four kav from the consumed inner coals, which were burned in the depths of the flame, into the coal pan. He descended from the altar and emptied the coals into the coal pan made of gold. Approximately one kav of coals from it was spilled and scattered on the courtyard floor, as the capacity of the gold pan was only three kav. And a priest would sweep the scattered coals into the Temple courtyard drain that passed through the courtyard to drain the waste outside the Temple. And on Shabbat, when it is prohibited to extinguish fire, the priest would not sweep the coals into the canal; rather, he would overturn a pesakhter upon them. And the pesakhter was a large vessel that held a half-kor. And since the pesakhter was a very heavy vessel, there were two chains on it, to facilitate its standard use, removal of ashes from the altar: One chain with which a priest would pull the vessel filled with ashes down the ramp, and one chain that another priest would grasp from above, so that the vessel would not roll down the ramp and the ashes would not spill. And the pesakhter would serve three purposes: The priests would overturn it upon the coals that scattered in the Temple during the transfer from the silver to the gold coal pan on Shabbat, and they would overturn it upon the carcass of a creeping animal found in the Temple on Shabbat, and they would take the ashes down from atop the altar in it.

מִי שֶׁזָּכָה בַמַּחְתָּה, נָטַל מַחְתַּת הַכֶּסֶף, וְעָלָה לְרֹאשׁ הַמִּזְבֵּחַ, וּפִנָּה אֶת הַגֶּחָלִים הֵילָךְ וְהֵילָךְ וְחָתָה. יָרַד וְעֵרָן לְתוֹךְ שֶׁל זָהָב. נִתְפַּזֵּר מִמֶּנָּה כְּקַב גֶּחָלִים, וְהָיָה מְכַבְּדָן לָאַמָּה. וּבְשַׁבָּת הָיָה כוֹפֶה עֲלֵיהֶן פְּסַכְתֵּר. וּפְסַכְתֵּר הָיְתָה כְלִי גָדוֹל מַחֲזֶקֶת לֶתֶךְ, וּשְׁתֵּי שַׁרְשְׁרוֹת הָיוּ בָהּ, אַחַת שֶׁהוּא מוֹשֵׁךְ בָּהּ וְיוֹרֵד, וְאַחַת שֶׁהוּא אוֹחֵז בָּהּ מִלְמַעְלָן בִּשְׁבִיל שֶׁלֹּא תִתְגַּלְגֵּל. וּשְׁלשָׁה דְבָרִים הָיְתָה מְשַׁמֶּשֶׁת, כּוֹפִין אוֹתָהּ עַל גַּב גֶּחָלִים וְעַל הַשֶּׁרֶץ בְּשַׁבָּת, וּמוֹרִידִין בָּהּ אֶת הַדֶּשֶׁן מֵעַל גַּבֵּי הַמִּזְבֵּחַ:


מי שזכה במכתה (he who won the right to the ashes with the coal-pan)- to bring the coals to the golden altar. And there was no lottery in this, but whomever won with the incense through the lottery states to that person who is with him, “you merit with me in the coal-pan” (see Tractate Yoma 25b – that according to Rabbi Yehuda, there was no lottery with the coal-pan, but that the person to the right of the winner of the incense was asked to join him).

וחתה (and took the coals out with a pan) -from the thoroughly lighted coals in the center (see Tracate Tamid, Chapter 1, Mishnah 4) we don’t read here, for they are close to the ashes, for on the contrary, those coals that were thick and burning he would take out with a pan.

ןעירן בשל זהב (and he emptied them out into the [firepan] of gold) – but he would not take the coals out with the golden pan, in order that the it would not be ruined, for the Torah had compassion on the money of the Israelites.

נתפזר ממנו כקב גחלים – for he would take the coals out with the silver pan of four Kabs and empty them into that (i.e., the pan) of gold which is three. , and in order that that he would bring it full, he would empty it at the end, tand this is the manner of cleansing of above.

מכבדן לאמה – to the water channel that was in the Temple courtyard, so that the Kohanim would not scalded.

ובשבת – that it is prohibited to put out the flame.

כופה עליהן פסכתר (cover them with a large pot) – one large utensil. The Aramaic translation of its pots isפסכתרוותיה /its large vessels/pots.

לתך – one-half of Kor, fifteen Se’ah, and the Kor is thirty Se’ah.

שתי שרשרות היו בה – on the large pot. One from this sides and one from the other side, because through it they lower the ashes from above the altar, as we said nearby, and when they lower it full of ashes through the ground of the ramp which is slanted, one Kohen in front of him pulls it with the chain and one Kohen who was above from the large pot and grabs hold of the chin that is before him, so that it will not roll on the slope of the ramb.

ועל הרץ – that is found in the Temple courtyard on the Sabbath, we cover it with a large pot in order that the Kohanim will not be defiled with it. We are not able to remove it from there on the Sabbath, for on such an act as being out of harmony with the celebration of the Sabbath, they (i.e., the Rabbis) decreed, and even in the Temple. But especially, when it is found in the Temple courtyard, but if it ws found in the large hall of the golden altar or in the hall/porch leading to the interior of the Tempole, we remove it immediately, and even on the Sabbath day.

מי שזכה במחתה. להוליך הגחלים למזבח הזהב. ולא היה בזה פייס, אלא מי שזכה בקטורת על ידי פייס אומר לזה שעמו זכה עמי במחתה:

וחתה. מן המאוכלות הפנימיות לא גרסינן הכא, שהן קרובים לדשן, דאדרבה גחלים גסות ובוערות היה חותה:

ועירן בשל זהב. אבל לא היה חותה בשל זהב, כדי שלא תתקלקל, והתורה חסה על ממונן של ישראל:

נתפזר ממנו כקב גחלים. שהיה חותה במחתה של כסף בת ארבעה קבים ומערה בשל זהב שהיא של שלשה. וכדי להוליכה מלאה היה מערה באחרונה, שזהו דרך כבוד של מעלה:

מכבדן לאמה. לאמת המים שבעזרה. שלא יכוו בהן הכהנים:

ובשבת. שאסור לכבות:

כופה עליהן פסכתר. כלי אחד גדול. תרגום סירותיו, פסכתרוותיה:

לתך. חצי כור, חמש עשרה סאין, שהכור שלשים סאין:

ושתי שרשרות היו. בפסכתר. אחת מצד זה ואחת מצד זה, לפי שבו מורידין הדשן מעל המזבח בסמוך, כדאמרינן וכשמורידו מלא דשן דרך קרקע הכבש שהוא משופע היה כהן אחד לפניו שמושכו בשרשרת וכהן אחד היה למעלה מן הפסכתר ותופס בשרשרת שלפניו שלא תתגלגל במדרון הכבש:

ועל השרץ. שנמצא בעזרה בשבת, כופים עליו פסכתר כדי שלא יטמאו בו הכהנים. שאין יכולים להוציאו משם בשבת, דעל שבות כזה גזרו ואפילו במקדש. ודוקא כשנמצא בעזרה, אבל נמצא בהיכל או באולם, מוציאים אותו מיד ואפילו בשבת: