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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 3 Mishnah 3

פסחים פרק ג׳ משנה ג׳


How does one separate ḥalla in ritual impurity during the Festival day of Passover? Ordinarily, one may separate ritually pure ḥalla from dough and give it to a priest immediately so that he may eat it. Ritually impure ḥalla is unfit for a priest and must be burned, yet it is prohibited to bake or burn anything that is not fit to be eaten during the Festival day. However, it is also prohibited to wait and burn it after the Festival day, since it will become leavened in the meantime. Rabbi Eliezer says: A woman should not designate it as ḥalla prior to baking; rather, she should refrain from doing so until it is baked. In other words, she should wait until she has baked all of the dough, and there is no risk of it becoming leavened. Only then should she separate ḥalla from it. The portion of ḥalla may then be kept until after the Festival day, when it may be burned. Ben Beteira says: She should separate the ḥalla before it is baked, and place the dough in cold water so that it will not become leavened. Rabbi Yehoshua said: This is not the leavened bread about which we are warned with the prohibitions: It shall not be seen, and: It shall not be found. These prohibitions do not apply because the ḥalla does not actually belong to the owner of the dough; it is instead considered to be consecrated property. Rather, she should separate the ḥalla and leave it until the evening; and if it becomes leavened, then it will become leavened, but this is of no concern.

כֵּיצַד מַפְרִישִׁין חַלָּה בְטֻמְאָה בְיוֹם טוֹב, רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, לֹא תִקְרָא לָהּ שֵׁם עַד שֶׁתֵּאָפֶה. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה בֶּן בְּתֵירָא אוֹמֵר, תַּטִּיל בְּצוֹנֵן. אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, לֹא זֶה הוּא חָמֵץ שֶׁמֻּזְהָרִים עָלָיו בְּבַל יֵרָאֶה וּבְבַל יִמָּצֵא, אֶלָּא מַפְרַשְׁתָּהּ וּמַנַּחְתָּה עַד הָעֶרֶב, וְאִם הֶחֱמִיצָה, הֶחֱמִיצָה:


חלה בטומטה – the starter-dough that became impure and furthermore, Hallah that is appropriate for the Kohen to eat is not taken from it, how then would we separate it (i.e., the Hallah) on the holiday of Passover? WE are not able to bake it on Passover after it is not worthy of being eaten, and to keep it around and then burn it in the evening is impossible, lest it ferment. And to feed it to dogs is impossible for we do not get rid of holy things on Holy Days.

רבי אליעזר אומר לא יקרא לה שם חלה עד שתאפה – and still each and every is appropriate [for separating out Hallah] and from each and every one we separate a small amount, and after baking it, if he wanted, he can separate a complete Hallah on the entire thing. For Rabbi Eliezer holds that he who detaches bread from where it sticks to the oven and puts it in a basket, the basket combines [the pieces] for Hallah.

לא זהו חמץ שמוזהרים עליו – for it is not his after he has designated it (literally ‘called it by name’) and it is written in Scripture (Exodus 13:7): “no leaven shall be found [in your territory].” Yours you cannot see but you can see that of others and of “On High” (i.e., God). And this is not yours nor of your friends, for yet it has not reached the hand of the Kohen. But Rabbi Eliezer holds that since if he desires, he may bring up a case for decision [from a Sage] that is dedicated [to the Temple] in error and that is not something dedicated and it is appropriate for eating. It is found that it is his and it is the leaven of an Israelite. But Rabbi Yehoshua holds that we don’t say, ‘Since.” But the Halakha is according to Rabbi Eliezer.

חלה בטומאה. שנטמאת העיסה ושוב אין החלה הניטלת ממנה ראויה לאכילת כהן, כיצד מפרישין אותה ביום טוב של פסח, הרי אין יכול לאפותה בפסח מאחר שאינה ראויה לאכילה, ולשהותה ולשורפה בערב אי אפשר שמא תחמיץ, ולהאכילה לכלבים אי אפשר שאין מבערין קדשים ביום טוב:

רבי אליעזר אומר לא יקרא לה שם חלה עד שתאפה. דאכתי כל חדא וחדא חזיא ליה, דמכל חדא וחדא מפריש פורתא, ולאחר אפייתה אם רצה יפריש חלה שלימה על הכל, דקסבר רבי אליעזר הרודה מן התנור ונותן לסל, הסל מצרפן לחלה:

לא זהו חמץ שמוזהרים עליו. דלאו דידיה הוא לאחר שקרא עליה שם, וקרא כתיב (שמות י״ג:ז׳) לא יראה לך, שלך אי אתה רואה אבל אתה רואה של אחרים ושל גבוה, וזה אינו שלך ולא של חברך דאכתי לא מטא ליד כהן. ור׳ אליעזר סבר הואיל אי בעי מתשיל עלה הויא הקדש בטעות ואינו הקדש וחזיא ליה לאכילה, נמצא דשלו היא וחמץ של ישראל הוא. ורבי יהושע סבר לא אמרינן הואיל. והלכה כרבי אליעזר: