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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 7 Mishnah 1

כתובות פרק ז׳ משנה א׳


With regard to one who vows and obligates his wife, prohibiting her from benefiting from him or his property, if his vow will remain in effect for up to thirty days, he must appoint a trustee [parnas] to support her. But if the vow will remain in effect for more than this amount of time, he must divorce her and give her the payment of her marriage contract. Rabbi Yehuda says: If the husband is an Israelite, then if his vow will remain in effect for up to one month, he may maintain her as his wife; and if it will be two months, he must divorce her and give her the payment of her marriage contract. But if he is a priest, then he is given extra time: If the vow will remain in effect for up to two months, he may maintain her, and if it will be three months, he must divorce her and give her the payment of her marriage contract. The reason for this is that it is prohibited for a priest to marry a divorcée, including his own ex-wife, and therefore if he divorces her and later regrets his decision he will not be able to take her back.

הַמַּדִּיר אֶת אִשְׁתּוֹ מִלֵּהָנוֹת לוֹ, עַד שְׁלֹשִׁים יוֹם, יַעֲמִיד פַּרְנָס. יָתֵר מִכֵּן, יוֹצִיא וְיִתֵּן כְּתֻבָּה. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל, חֹדֶשׁ אֶחָד יְקַיֵּם, וּשְׁנַיִם, יוֹצִיא וְיִתֵּן כְּתֻבָּה. וּבְכֹהֶנֶת, שְׁנַיִם יְקַיֵּם, וּשְׁלֹשָׁה, יוֹצִיא וְיִתֵּן כְּתֻבָּה:


המדיר את אשתו מליהנות לו – on the benefit of sexual relations, this vow does not take effect because he is subjugated to her and he doesn’t have the power to cancel his obligation of his subjugation and on the benefit of food, even though he is subjugated to her, we find that the vow exists such as we supply her handiwork for her food. And in the Gemara (Talmud Ketubot 70b), it raises a question: if so, why should he appoint an administrator? And it answers – such as the case that we don’t supply the things that she was accustomed to in her father’s house and for this alone, he should appoint an administrator who will provide for her and not that he sill appoint an agent to support her, for the agent of a person is like that person, but rather, he says, all who support does not cause loss.

יתר מכן יוציא ויתן כתובה – for up to thirty days, people don’t listen and there is no disgrace. More than thirty days, people here and there is disgrace.

בישראל – if he is an Israelite (as opposed to being a Kohen), he can restore his divorced wife.

ובכהנת – for if he disvorces her, he is not able to restore her [as his wife], the Rabbis hive him more time, but the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Yehuda.

המדיר את אשתו מליהנות לו. על הנאת תשמיש אין הנדר חל, משום דמשועבד לה ולאו כל כמיניה להפקיע שעבודו. ועל הנאת מזונות אף על גב דמשועבד לה אשכחן דחל הנדר כגון שמספיקין מעשה ידיה למזונותיה. ובגמרא פריך א״כ למה יעמיד פרנס, ומשני, כגון שאין מספיקין לדברים שהיתה רגילה בהם בבית אביה, ועל זה בלבד יעמיד פרנס שיפרנסנה. ולא שיעמיד שליח לפרנסה, שהרי שלוחו של אדם כמותו, אלא שאומר כל המפרנס אינו מפסיד:

יתר מכן יוציא ויתן כתובה. דעד שלשים יום לא שמעי אינשי וליכא זילותא. טפי משלשים יום שמעי אינשי ואיכא זילותא:

בישראל. אם ישראל הוא שיכול להחזיר את גרושתו:

ובכהנת. שאם יגרשנה לא יוכל להחזירה יהבו ליה רבנן זימנא טפי. ואין הלכה כר׳ יהודה: