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Mishnayos Demai Perek 1 Mishnah 3

דמאי פרק א׳ משנה ג׳


If a man bought [grain from an am haaretz] to be used for seed or for animal [feed], flour for hides, oil for a lamp, or oil for greasing utensils, it is exempt from [the rules of] demai. [Produce grown] beyond Cheziv and north is exempt from [the rules of] demai. The hallah of an am haaretz, produce mixed with terumah, produce bought with second tithe money, and the leftovers of minhah offerings are exempt from [the rules of] demai. Oil spiced [with spices from an am haaretz]: Bet Shammai makes it liable [to the rules of demai]. But Bet Hillel exempts it.

הַלּוֹקֵחַ לְזֶרַע וְלִבְהֵמָה, קֶמַח לְעוֹרוֹת, שֶׁמֶן לְנֵר, שֶׁמֶן לָסוּךְ בּוֹ אֶת הַכֵּלִים, פָּטוּר מִן הַדְּמַאי. מִכְּזִיב וּלְהַלָּן, פָּטוּר מִן הַדְּמַאי. חַלַּת עַם הָאָרֶץ, וְהַמְדֻמָּע, וְהַלָּקוּחַ בְּכֶסֶף מַעֲשֵׂר שֵׁנִי, וּשְׁיָרֵי הַמְּנָחוֹת, פְּטוּרִין מִן הַדְּמַאי. שֶׁמֶן עָרֵב, בֵּית שַׁמַּאי מְחַיְּבִין, וּבֵית הִלֵּל פּוֹטְרִין:


הלוקח לזרע – he purchased grain to sow it, he is exempt [from tithes] with doubtfully tithed produce, whereas eatables which ae forbidden pending the separation of sacred gifts, is definitely prohibited to sow [with them].

ולבהמה – he purchased from the beginning to feed his cattle he is exempt [from tithing] that which is doubtfully tithed. But if he purchased from the beginning for humans and changed his mind regarding it [and gave it] to his cattle, he is liable to tithe that which is doubtfully tithed.

וקמח לעורות – to tan the hides.

מכזיב ולהלן – Keziv is the end of the place where those who came up from Babylonia conquered and from there and onwards, those who came up from Egypt conquered, but those who came up from Babylonia did not conquer, but they were not liable for [tithing] doubtfully tithed produce other than from those lands that those who came up from Babylonia conquered alone, therefore from Keziv and onwards is exempt from [tithing] that which is doubtfully tithed, and we don’t worry that perhaps from the produce of the Land [of Israel] that those who came up from Babylonia brought there, for the presumption of that which is outside the Land [of Israel] is exempt until it is known to you that it is liable, and the presumption of the Land of Israel is that it is obligatory until it is known to you that it is exempt.

חלת עם הארץ – that the kneader/baker who is a member of the order for the observance of Levitical laws in daily intercourse prepared for him and wants to give to it to a Kohen who is a member of the order of Levitical laws in daily intercourse is exempt from tithing.

והמדומע – a person who does not observe certain religious customs concerning tithes that fell to him a Seah of heave-offering in less than one-hundred Seah of unconsecrated produce, that everything became mixed in proportions sufficient to make the whole prohibited to non-priests, that is to say, a mixture of heave-offering and he gives everything to a Kohen, he is exempt from tithing that which is doubtfully tithed.

והלקוח בכסף מעשר – that he acquired doubtfully tithed produce with the monies of Second Tithe, whether they are the monies of Second Tithe of produce doubtfully tithed or with the monies of Second Tithe that are definitely [tithed], he is exempt from tithing.

ושירי מנחות – that the person who takes a handful of the meal offering which the priest takes to be put on the altar and the left-overs are eaten by the Kohen and we don’t worry that perhaps a person who does not observe certain religious customs concerning tithes (i.e., an עם הארץ) brings something that is not legally fit for use by giving the priestly dues.

שמן ערב (spiced oil) – balsamum oil, and there are those who interpret olive coil that is combined with myrrh and aloe and spices.

הלוקח לזרע. לקח תבואה לזרעה פטור בדמאי, דאילו טבל ודאי אסור לזרוע:

ולבהמה. לקח מתחלה להאכיל לבהמה פטור מן הדמאי. אבל לקח מתחלה לאדם ונמלך עליה לבהמה חייב לעשר בדמאי:

וקמח לעורות. לעבד בו עורות:

מכזיב ולהלן. כזיב הוא סוף המקום שכבשו עולי בבל ומשם ולהלן כבשו עולי מצרים ולא כבשו עולי בבל, ולא נתחייבו בדמאי אלא הארצות שכבשו עולי בבל בלבד, הלכך מכזיב ולהלן פטור מן הדמאי ולא חיישינן שמא מפירות הארץ שכבשו עולי בבל הוליכו לשם, שחזקת חוצה לארץ פטור עד שיודע לך שהוא חייב וחזקת ארץ ישראל חייב עד שיודע לך שהוא פטור:

חלת עם הארץ. שתקן לו גבל חבר ורוצה ליתנה לכהן חבר פטור מלעשר:

והמדומע. עם הארץ שנפלה לו סאה של תרומה לפחות ממאה סאין של חולין שנעשה הכל מדומע כלומר עירוב תרומה ונותן הכל לכהן פטור מלעשר דמאי:

והלקוח בכסף מעשר. שלקח דמאי במעות של מעשר שני, בין במעות מעשר שני של דמאי בין במעות מעשר שני של ודאי פטור מלעשר:

ושירי מנחות. שהקומץ למזבח והשירים נאכלים לכהנים ולא חיישינן שמא הביא עם הארץ דבר שאינו מתוקן:

שמן ערב. שמן אפרסמון. וי״מ שמן זית מעורב עם מור ואהלות ובשמים: