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Mishnayos Bava Kamma Perek 1 Mishnah 4

בבא קמא פרק א׳ משנה ד׳


There are five damage-causing acts that an animal can perform twice and remain innocuous even when its owner was warned each time to prevent it from doing so. After the third time, the animal is rendered forewarned. In such cases, the owner is liable to pay only half of the damages. And there are five damage-causing acts for which an animal is considered forewarned, at times even if it had never caused damage in that manner. In such cases the owner is liable to pay the full cost of the damage. An animal is not considered forewarned with regard to Goring, i.e., not for goring with its horns, nor for pushing with its body, nor for biting, nor for crouching upon items in order to damage them, nor for kicking. In these cases the animal is considered to be innocuous and its owner is liable for only half of the damages. Concerning acts of damage performed with the tooth, the animal is considered forewarned with regard to eating that which is fitting for it to eat. Concerning acts of damage performed with the foot, the animal is considered forewarned with regard to breaking items while walking. And there is a forewarned ox, which gored three times and each time his owner was warned to safeguard his ox from doing so. And there is an ox that causes damage to the property of the injured party while on the property of the injured party. And there is the person, i.e., any damage done by a person. In all of these cases the one who caused the damage is considered to be forewarned, resulting in the obligation to pay the full cost of the damage. The mishna presents the halakha for wild animals: The wolf; the lion; the bear; the leopard; the bardelas, the meaning of which the Gemara will discuss; and the snake. These are considered forewarned even if they had never previously caused damage. Rabbi Elazar says: When these animals are domesticated they are not considered forewarned. But the snake is always considered forewarned. What is the difference between the liability incurred for damage caused by an ox that is considered innocuous and the liability incurred for damage caused by an ox that is forewarned? The only differences are that for damage caused by an innocuous ox, the owner pays half the cost of the damage exclusively from proceeds of the sale of the body of the ox, and for a forewarned ox he pays the full cost of the damage from his higher property.

חֲמִשָּׁה תַמִּין וַחֲמִשָּׁה מוּעָדִין, הַבְּהֵמָה אֵינָהּ מוּעֶדֶת לֹא לִגַּח וְלֹא לִגֹּף וְלֹא לִשֹּׁךְ וְלֹא לִרְבֹּץ וְלֹא לִבְעֹט. הַשֵּׁן מוּעֶדֶת לֶאֱכֹל אֶת הָרָאוּי לָהּ, הָרֶגֶל מוּעֶדֶת לְשַׁבֵּר בְּדֶרֶךְ הִלּוּכָהּ, וְשׁוֹר הַמּוּעָד, וְשׁוֹר הַמַּזִּיק בִּרְשׁוּת הַנִּזָּק, וְהָאָדָם. הַזְּאֵב וְהָאֲרִי וְהַדֹּב וְהַנָּמֵר וְהַבַּרְדְּלָס וְהַנָּחָשׁ, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ מוּעָדִין. רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, בִּזְמַן שֶׁהֵן בְּנֵי תַרְבּוּת, אֵינָן מוּעָדִין. וְהַנָּחָשׁ מוּעָד לְעוֹלָם. מַה בֵּין תָּם לְמוּעָד. אֶלָּא שֶׁהַתָּם מְשַׁלֵּם חֲצִי נֶזֶק מִגּוּפוֹ, וּמוּעָד מְשַׁלֵּם נֶזֶק שָׁלֵם מִן הָעֲלִיָּה:


חמשה תמין – that are not accustomed to cause damage, and if they do cause damage, they pay one-half the damage.

וחמשה מועדין – the are accustomed to cause damage and pay full damages.

לא ליגף – with the horn.

ולא ליגוף – pushing the entire body and all of them are derivatives of the “horn” and they (i.e., the owners) pay half-damages. These are the five innocuous actions of animals.

ושור המועד – three times to gore or to push or lie down or kick or bite these are the five actions of animals whose owners have been warned who have to pay full damages, and concerning a warned animal, each one is considered one [kind of damage].

ושור המזיק ברשות הניזק – even a horn of an innocuous animal, for an owner warned about its animal pays full damages and our Mishnah brings according to the one who states that the corner of the courtyard of the one who suffers damages as he pays full damages, and even if the animal is innocuous. But the Halakha is not like this.

והאדם – is considered warned from his beginning, also and pays full damages if he caused damages (see Tractate Bava Kamma, Chapter 2, Mishnah 6).

[הזאב] והארי וכו'- their owners are considered as warned from their beginnings, and they are not considered as within the five kinds of damages listed above so that there are eleven animals considered as warned because these do not belong in society.

ברדלס – a beast that we call in Arabic “Eltzabah.”

רבי אליעזר אומר וכו' – but the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Eliezer.

מן העליה – from the best of his property, and even if the goring is not worth the measure of the damage of the “warned” animal (as it is written (Exodus 21:36): “[and its owner has failed to guard it] he must restore ox for ox”, but it is not written there “that from the body of the goring animal, he will be paid.”

חמשה תמין. שאינם רגילים להזיק, ואם הזיקו משלמין חצי נזק:

וחמשה מועדין. שהם רגילין להזיק, ומשלמין נזק שלם:

לא ליגח. בקרן:

ולא ליגוף. דחיפת כל הגוף. וכולהו הוו תולדה דקרן ומשלמין חצי נזק. הרי חמשה תמין:

ושור המועד. שלש פעמים ליגח או ליגוף או לרבוץ או לבעוט או לישוך. הרי הן חמשה מועדים לשלם נזק שלם. ולגבי מועד חשיב להו חד:

ושור המזיק ברשות הניזק. אפילו קרן תמה. הוי מועד לשלם נזק שלם. ומתניתין אתיא כמאן דאמר משונה קרן בחצר הניזק שמשלמת נזק שלם ואפילו היא תמה. ואין כן הלכה:

והאדם. הוי מועד מתחלתו נמי, ומשלם נזק שלם אם הזיק:

הזאב והארי וכו׳ מועדים מתחלתן. והא דלא חשיב להו בכלל חמשה מועדים דלעיל וליהוו אחד עשר מועדים, משום דהני לא שכיחי בישוב:

ברדלס. חיה שקורין לה בערבי אלצב״ע:

רבי אליעזר אומר וכו׳ ואין הלכה כר׳ אליעזר:

מן העליה. מעידית שבנכסיו. ואפילו אין הנוגח שוה שיעור הנזק. דבמועד כתיב (שמות כ״א) ישלם שור תחת השור, ולא כתיב ביה דמגוף הנוגח יפרע: