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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 6 Mishnah 3

בבא בתרא פרק ו׳ משנה ג׳


If one sells wine to another and then it sours, the seller does not bear financial responsibility for its loss. But if it is known of this seller that his wine always sours, then this sale is a mistaken transaction, i.e., one based upon false assumptions, as the buyer intended to purchase wine that would maintain its quality; therefore, the seller must reimburse the buyer. And if the seller said to the buyer: It is wine that is spiced, which is preserved and of lasting quality, that I am selling to you, then he bears financial responsibility to provide him with wine that will keep until the festival of Shavuot. And if the seller said: I am selling you old wine, he is responsible to provide wine from the previous year. And if he said: I am selling you aged wine, he is responsible to provide wine that is from three years earlier.

הַמּוֹכֵר יַיִן לַחֲבֵרוֹ וְהֶחְמִיץ, אֵינוֹ חַיָּב בְּאַחֲרָיוּתוֹ. וְאִם יָדוּעַ שֶׁיֵּינוֹ מַחְמִיץ, הֲרֵי זֶה מִקַּח טָעוּת. וְאִם אָמַר לוֹ יַיִן מְבֻשָּׂם אֲנִי מוֹכֵר לְךָ, חַיָּב לְהַעֲמִיד לוֹ עַד הָעֲצֶרֶת. וְיָשָׁן, מִשֶּׁל אֶשְׁתָּקַד. וּמְיֻשָּׁן, מִשֶּׁל שָׁלֹשׁ שָׁנִים:


אינו חייב – [the seller in his responsibility] for at the time of the sale, it was wine. And specifically, when it became fermented/sour in the utensils of the purchaser, for if it were in the utensils of the seller [when it became fermented], he (i.e., the purchaser) could say to him (i.e., the seller): “ this is your wine and this your vessel,” and the seller is not able to say to him: “why did you leave it (i.e., the wine) in these vessels so long? You are the one who has taken a loss,” for this one could have said to him: but from the beginning, I informed you that it was not my intention to be supported by this wine, other than a little bit [at a time].”

ואם ידוע שיינו מחמיץ – that it is not preserved and the other one says to him that he didn’t need wine, but rather for a stiff mass of grist, oil and onions and to let it stand to take from it only bit by bit.

הרי זה מקח טעות – he should have informed him that his wine does not endure.

מבוסם – it is its manner to endure until Shavuot. But from then onward, the heat spoils it.

וישן – if he sold him wine on the condition that it is old, he gives him from the year before – from the year that past that precedes this one.

אינו חייב. המוכר באחריותו. דבשעת מכירה יין הוה. ודוקא שנעשה חומץ בכליו דלוקח, דאי בכליו של מוכר, מצי אמר ליה הא חמרך והא קנקנך, ולא מצי מוכר אמר ליה למה השהית אותו בקנקנים כל כך את הוא דאפסדת, דמצי היאך אמר ליה הא מעיקרא הודעתיך שלא היה בדעתי להסתפק מן היין אלא מעט מעט:

ואם ידוע שיינו מחמיץ. שאינו מתקיים. ואידך אמר ליה דלא בעי ליין אלא למקפה ולשהותו ליקח ממנו מעט מעט:

הרי זה מקח טעות. דהוה ליה לאודועי שאין יינו מתקיים:

מבושם. דרכו להתקיים עד עצרת. ומשם ואילך החום מקלקלו:

וישן. אם מכר לו יין על מנת שהוא ישן. נותן לו משל אשתקד, מן השנה שעברה הקודמת לזו: