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Mishnayos Maasros Perek 2 Mishnah 1

מעשרות פרק ב׳ משנה א׳


If one was passing through the street, and said “Take for yourself from my figs,” one may eat them and be exempt from tithes. Therefore if they brought them into their houses, they must separate [tithes and terumah] as if they were certainly untithed. [If he said], “Take and bring it into your houses,” they may not make a chance meal of them. Therefore if they brought them into their houses, they need tithe them only as demai.

הָיָה עוֹבֵר בַּשּׁוּק וְאָמַר, טְלוּ לָכֶם תְּאֵנִים, אוֹכְלִין וּפְטוּרִין. לְפִיכָךְ אִם הִכְנִיסוּ לְבָתֵּיהֶם, מְתַקְּנִים וַדָּאי. טְלוּ וְהַכְנִיסוּ לְבָתֵּיכֶם, לֹא יֹאכְלוּ מֵהֶם עֲרַאי. לְפִיכָךְ אִם הִכְנִיסוּ לְבָתֵּיהֶם, אֵינָם מְתַקְּנִים אֶלָּא דְמָאי:


היה עובר בשוק – an illiterate who is suspected of [not removing] tithes.

אוכלין ופטורים – a devoted object/sacrifice which is offered on the Altar that did not see the presence of the Temple and were not appointed for Tithes, and even though a sale establishes it for tithes, this gift he gives to them and the gift does not establish it.

מתקנים ודאי (that undoubtedly requires the separation of tithes – to make things legally fit for use) – for the giver did not tithe for he held that they would eat it in the marketplace and would not require tithing, but since they brought them into the house, they were appointed [for tithing], and specifically when he gave them a little bit that was appropriate to eat it in the marketplace. But, if he gave them a large portion or that the recipient was a person who did not have the practice of eating in the marketplace, or that the thing that he was given is not consumed like it is, in all of these, it is like he said [to them]: “bring them into your homes,” and it is forbidden to eat from them an incidental meal, for it is not explicitly stated, it was already established for tithing.

אין מתקנים אלא דמאי – and he would give the heave-offering/Terumah and tithes to the Kohen, but First Tithe and the Poor [Tithe] he would take for himself.

היה עובר בשוק. עם הארץ החשוד על המעשרות:

אוכלין ופטורים. דאימור לא ראו פני הבית ולא הוקבעו למעשר. ואע״ג דמכר קובע למעשר האי מתנה יהיב להו ומתנה אינה קובעת:

מתקנים ודאי. שהנותן לא עישר דסבר הוא שיאכלו בשוק ולא בעי עשורי, וכיון דהכניסום לבית הוקבעו. ודוקא שנתן להם דבר מועט שראוי לאכלו בשוק, אבל אם נתן דבר מרובה, או שהיה המקבל אדם שאין דרכו לאכול בשוק, או הדבר הניתן אינו נאכל כך כמות שהוא, בכל אלו הוי כאומר הכניסו לבתיכם, ואסור לאכול מהם עראי דמסתמא כבר הוקבעו למעשר:

אין מתקנים אלא דמאי. ונותן תרומת מעשר לכהן, ומעשר ראשון ועני נוטל לעצמו: