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Mishnayos Eruchin Perek 4 Mishnah 1

ערכין פרק ד׳ משנה א׳


Affordability, which is written in the Torah: “According to the means of him who vowed shall the priest valuate him” (Leviticus 27:8), is determined in accordance with the means of the one taking the vow, and the sum fixed by the Torah based on the years of age is in accordance with the age of the subject of the vow. And the distinction based on sex that is written in the halakhot of valuations is stated with regard to the one valuated, and the different valuation based on the age of the one valuated is determined at the time one takes the vow of valuation. The mishna elaborates: Affordability is in accordance with the means of the one taking the vow; how so? A destitute person who valuated a wealthy person gives the valuation in accordance with the means of a destitute person, as determined by the priest. And a wealthy person who valuated a destitute person gives the valuation in accordance with the means of a wealthy person, the sum of which is fixed in the Torah.

הֶשֵּׂג יָד, בַּנּוֹדֵר. וְהַשָּׁנִים, בַּנִּדָּר. וְהָעֲרָכִים, בַּנֶּעֱרָךְ, וְהָעֵרֶךְ, בִּזְמַן הָעֵרֶךְ. הֶשֵּׂג יָד בַּנּוֹדֵר, כֵּיצַד. עָנִי שֶׁהֶעֱרִיךְ אֶת הֶעָשִׁיר, נוֹתֵן עֵרֶךְ עָנִי. וְעָשִׁיר שֶׁהֶעֱרִיךְ אֶת הֶעָנִי, נוֹתֵן עֵרֶךְ עָשִׁיר:


השג יד-בנודר (the law regulating the payment of certain vows according to one’s means – Leviticus 27:8) -the teaching of the law regulating the payment of certain vows according to one’s means, that the poor person is judged in Valuation according to his means/wealth, for we follow after the person making the vow, and not after the person about whom the vow is taken, as will be explained further on (see Mishnah 4 of this chapter) and as we learned in Tractate Arakhin, Chapter 2, Mishnah 1, the valuation is no less than a Sela).

והשנים בנידר – a young child that made a valuation of the value of an old person gives the valuation of the old person, and we don’t follow after the years of the person who is making the vow. And the Tanna/teacher who calls the one dedicating the value of the person [or of an animal unfit for the altar] the one making a vow, as he took the language of Scripture, as it is written (Leviticus 27:8): “and the priest shall assess hm according to what the vower can afford.” And since it (i.e., the Mishnah) stated, “[the estimate of] ability to pay [is made in accordance with the status of] the one who vows, it (i.e., the Mishnah) also stated, [the estimate of the] the years [of age is made in accord with the status of] the one [whose Valuation] is vowed.

והערכים בנערך (the vows of value are regulated by the condition of the person whose value is vowed) - the determination of the valuation of a male and a female, we follow after that of the one who is the subject of Valuation, as it will be explained further on (see Mishnah 4 of this chapter).

והערך בזמן הערך – as it is explained further on (Mishnah 2), for if he made a valuation of himself when he was less than twenty-years of age, which is the valuation of a minor, and prior to his giving it, he was twenty-years of age, he does not give other than at the time of the valuation.

השג יד בנודר. תורת דין השגת יד, שעני נדון בערכין כפי השג ידו, בתר נודר אזלינן, ולא בתר נידר, כדמפרש לקמן:

והשנים בנידר. ילד שהעריך ערך זקן, נותן ערך זקן, דלא אזלינן בתר שנים דנודר. ותנא דקרי למעריך נודר, לישנא דקרא נקט, דכתיב (ויקרא כ״ז:ח׳) על פי אשר תשיג יד הנודר יעריכנו הכהן. ואיידי דאמר השג יד בנודר אמר נמי השנים בנידר:

והערכים בנערך. קצב הערך דזכר ונקבה, בתר נערך אזיל, ולא בתר מעריך, כדמפרש לקמן דאיש שאמר ערך אשה פלונית עלי נותן ערך אשה:

והערך בזמן הערך. כדמפרש לקמן, שאם העריך עצמו כשהיה פחות מבן עשרים דהוי ערך קטן, וקודם נתינתו היה בן עשרים, אינו נותן אלא כשעה שהעריך: