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Mishnayos Chullin Perek 2 Mishnah 3

חולין פרק ב׳ משנה ג׳


If one decapitated the animal in one motion and did not slaughter the animal in the standard manner of drawing the knife back and forth, the slaughter is not valid. In a case where one was in the process of slaughtering the animal in the standard manner and he decapitated the animal in one motion, if the length of the knife is equivalent to the breadth of the animal’s entire neck, the slaughter is valid. If one was in the process of slaughtering two animals simultaneously, and he decapitated two heads in one motion, if the length of the knife is equivalent to the breadth of an entire neck of one of the animals, the slaughter is valid. In what case is this statement, that one must be concerned about the length of the knife, said? It is when one drew the knife back and did not draw it forth, or drew it forth and did not draw it back; but if he drew it back and forth, even if the knife was of any length, even if he slaughtered with a scalpel [be’izemel], the slaughter is valid. If a knife fell and slaughtered an animal, although the knife slaughtered the animal in the standard manner, the slaughter is not valid, as it is stated: “And you shall slaughter…and you shall eat” (Deuteronomy 27:7), from which it is derived: That which you slaughter you may eat, and that which was slaughtered on its own, you may not eat. If, when one was in the middle of slaughtering an animal, the knife fell and he lifted it and then completed the slaughter, or if his garments fell and he lifted them and then completed the slaughter, or if he had honed the knife and grew weary before completing the slaughter and another came and slaughtered the animal, if he interrupted the slaughter in one of these ways or in a different way for an interval equivalent to the duration of an act of slaughter, the slaughter is not valid. Rabbi Shimon says: The slaughter is not valid if he interrupted the slaughter for an interval equivalent to the duration of an examination.

הִתִּיז אֶת הָרֹאשׁ בְּבַת אַחַת, פְּסוּלָה. הָיָה שׁוֹחֵט וְהִתִּיז אֶת הָרֹאשׁ בְּבַת אַחַת, אִם יֵשׁ בַּסַּכִּין מְלֹא צַוָּאר, כְּשֵׁרָה. הָיָה שׁוֹחֵט וְהִתִּיז שְׁנֵי רָאשִׁים בְּבַת אַחַת, אִם יֵשׁ בַּסַּכִּין מְלֹא צַוָּאר אֶחָד, כְּשֵׁרָה. בַּמֶּה דְבָרִים אֲמוּרִים. בִּזְמַן שֶׁהוֹלִיךְ וְלֹא הֵבִיא, אוֹ הֵבִיא וְלֹא הוֹלִיךְ. אֲבָל אִם הוֹלִיךְ וְהֵבִיא, אֲפִלּוּ כָל שֶׁהוּא, אֲפִלּוּ בְאִזְמֵל, כְּשֵׁרָה. נָפְלָה סַכִּין וְשָׁחֲטָה, אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁשָּׁחֲטָה כְדַרְכָּהּ, פְּסוּלָה, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברים יב), וְזָבַחְתָּ וְאָכַלְתָּ, מַה שֶּׁאַתָּה זוֹבֵחַ, אַתָּה אוֹכֵל. נָפְלָה הַסַּכִּין וְהִגְבִּיהָהּ, נָפְלוּ כֵלָיו וְהִגְבִּיהָן, הִשְׁחִיז אֶת הַסַּכִּין וְעָף, וּבָא חֲבֵרוֹ וְשָׁחַט, אִם שָׁהָה כְדֵי שְׁחִיטָה, פְּסוּלָה. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, אִם שָׁהָה כְדֵי בִקּוּר:


התיז את הראש – like a person who decapitates a reed or a gourd, when he pushes the [slaughtering] knife with force and divides it. And this is דרסה–cutting the throat of an animal by pressing (adding muscular force to the cutting capacity of the knife, instead of passing the latter to and back).

היה שוחט – through pulling [the slaughtering knife] and he decapitated the head with [either] the drawing home [of the slaughtering knife] or the drawing of the slaughterer’s knife in a forward direction alone. But for the slaughter of the [two] organs in the appropriate measure, it is called severing the head.

אם יש בסכין מלא צואר – other than neck of the animal or fowl that he is ritually slaughtering.

כשרה – if there is on the knife [the ability to slaughter] through pulling and not through cutting the throat through the use of muscular force, . But if the length of the knife is only as long as thickness of the neck, or just beyond the neck a bit, it is considered [as if] one had used muscular force, for the organs (i.e., the windpipe and esophagus) are not just through just this pulling, if not for the use of muscular force.

אם יש בסכין מלוא צואר אחד – outside of these two necks, that is the measurement of three necks.

איזמל – a very small, thin razor. And we don’t enact a prohibition regarding one that lacks hornlike projections as an ornament for the sake of a knife which does have hornlike projections as an ornament. For an איזמל–knife which has hornlike projections, for it normally [customary] to make hornlike projections as an ornaments on its back bending towards its head, and since it [the knife] is very small, it was detached from the neck, and when [the knife is] passed towards and back, there is a fear lest the hornlike projections will pass the slaughtering knife under cover (i.e. חלדה ) [which is forbidden].

נפלה סכין ושחטה – The reason that it [i.e., the knife] fell (then, the slaughtering is invalid); but if he threw it down [and it slaughtered the animal in an appropriate manner], it is valid, even though he did not intend to perform the act of ritual slaughtering, for we don’t require spiritual intention in the act of ritual slaughtering. And since it is necessary for the mentioning of the Biblical verse, regarding the ritual slaughtering of animals for the sacrificial purposes [of the Temple] (Leviticus 22:29): “[When you sacrifice a thanksgiving offering to the LORD, sacrifice it so that] it may be acceptable in your favor,” with your knowledge you shall sacrifice it, that is to say, with knowledge and spiritual intention (for purposes of the ritual sacrifices in the Temple). We learn from this that for חולין–non-consecrated animals (profane things), we do not require spiritual intentionality.

נפלה סכין והגביהה – and he paused during the act of slaughtering [which makes the animal so cut unfit to eat) while it was lifted up.

כליו – his clothing

או שהשחיז את הסכין – prior to [engaging in] the act of slaughtering.

ועף – he became tired and weary as a result of the sharpening–whetting of the knife, and when he began to ritually slaughter [the animal], he did not have the strength and stopped his slaughter, and his fellow came and slaughtered.

כדי שחיטה אחרת – in order that he would slaughter most of the two [organs] in another animal like it, while it is lying down, a large animal next to a large animal and a small animal next to a small animal. and it is also necessary that he lift it up and lie it down, and they did not practice in such a manner.

כדי בקור – For the interval that the ritual slaughterer checks and examines his knife (to determine its fitness). But the Halakha does not follow [the opinion] of Rabbi Shimon.

התיז את הראש. כאדם המתיז קנה או דלעת, שדוחק הסכין בכח ופוסק. וזו היא דרסה:

היה שוחט. במשיכה, והתיז הראש בהבאה בלבד או בהולכה בלבד. ולשחיטת הסימנים שיעור הכשר, קרי התיז את הראש:

אם יש בסכין מלא צואר. חוץ לצואר הבהמה והעוף ששוחט:

כשרה. שיש בסכין כדי לשחוט במשיכה בלא דרסה. אבל אם אין אורך הסכין אלא כעובי הצואר או חוץ לצואר משהו, דרסה היא, שאין הסימנים נחתכין במשיכה זו לבדה בלא דרסה:

אם יש בסכין מלוא צואר אחד. חוץ לשני הצוארים, דהיינו שיעור שלשה צוארים:

איזמל. תער דק קטן מאד. ולא גזרינן איזמל שאין לו קרנים אטו איזמל שיש לו קרנים. ואיזמל שיש לו קרנים הוא שרגילים לעשות כמין קרנים לאיזמל לנוי על גביו ונוטים לצד ראשו. ומתוך שהוא קטן מאד הוא נשמט מן הצואר, וכשהוא מוליך ומביא יש לחוש שמא יחלידו הסימנים אותן הקרנים:

נפלה סכין ושחטה. טעמא דנפלה, הא הפילה הוא, כשרה. ואע״ג דלא איכוין לשחוט, דלא בעינן כוונה בשחיטה, מדאיצטריך קרא למימר גבי קדשים לרצונכם תזבחו, לדעתכם זבוחו כלומר מדעת וכוונה, שמע מינה דבחולין לא בעינן כוונה:

נפלה סכין והגביהה. ושהה בהגבהה זו:

כליו. בגדיו:

או שהשחיז את הסכין. קודם שחיטה:

ועף. נעשה עיף ויגע מחמת השחזה, וכשהתחיל לשחוט לא היה בו כח ופסק שחיטתו, ובא חבירו ושחט:

כדי שחיטה אחרת. כדי שישחוט רוב שנים בבהמה אחרת כמותה כשהיא רבוצה גסה לגסה, ודקה לדקה, ועוף לעוף. והרמב״ם פסק כדברי האומר כדי שחיטת בהמה דקה לעוף, ובעי נמי כדי שיגביהנה וירביצנה. ולא נהגו כן:

כדי בקור. כשיעור שהטבח בודק ומבקר את סכינו. ואין הלכה כר״ש: