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Mishnayos Chullin Perek 10 Mishnah 2

חולין פרק י׳ משנה ב׳


All sacrificial animals in which a permanent blemish preceded their consecration do not assume inherent sanctity, and only their value is consecrated. And once they were redeemed, they are obligated in the mitzva of a firstborn, i.e., their offspring are subject to being counted a firstborn, and in the gifts of the priesthood, and they can emerge from their sacred status and assume non-sacred status with regard to being shorn and with regard to being utilized for labor, as it is prohibited to shear animals with sacred status or utilize them for labor. And their offspring and their milk are permitted after their redemption. And one who slaughters these animals outside the Temple courtyard is exempt from karet, and those animals do not render an animal that was a substitute for them consecrated. And if these animals died before they were redeemed, they may be redeemed and fed to dogs. Although typically sacrificial animals that were redeemed may not be fed to the dogs, in this case it is permitted. This is the halakha with regard to all animals except for the firstborn animal and the animal tithe, whose sanctity is inherent, even when a permanent blemish preceded their consecration. With regard to all sacrificial animals whose consecration preceded their blemish, or who had a temporary blemish prior to their consecration and afterward developed a permanent blemish and they were redeemed, they are exempt from the mitzva of a firstborn, and from the gifts of the priestood, and they do not emerge from their sacred status and assume non-sacred status with regard to being shorn and with regard to being utilized for labor. And their offspring, which were conceived prior to redemption, and their milk, are prohibited after their redemption. And one who slaughters them outside the Temple courtyard is liable to receive karet, and those animals render an animal that was a substitute for them consecrated. And if these animals died before they were redeemed, they may not be redeemed and fed to dogs; rather, they must be buried.

כָּל הַקֳּדָשִׁים שֶׁקָּדַם מוּם קָבוּעַ לְהֶקְדֵּשָׁן וְנִפְדּוּ, חַיָּבִין בַּבְּכוֹרָה וּבַמַּתָּנוֹת, וְיוֹצְאִין לְחֻלִּין, לְהִגָּזֵז וּלְהֵעָבֵד, וּוְלָדָן וַחֲלָבָן מֻתָּר לְאַחַר פִּדְיוֹנָן, וְהַשּׁוֹחֲטָן בַּחוּץ פָּטוּר, וְאֵין עוֹשִׂין תְּמוּרָה, וְאִם מֵתוּ יִפָּדוּ, חוּץ מִן הַבְּכוֹר וּמִן הַמַּעֲשֵׂר. כֹּל שֶׁקָּדַם הֶקְדֵּשָׁן אֶת מוּמָן, אוֹ מוּם עוֹבֵר לְהֶקְדֵּשָׁן, וּלְאַחַר מִכָּאן נוֹלַד לָהֶם מוּם קָבוּעַ וְנִפְדּוּ, פְּטוּרִין מִן הַבְּכוֹרָה וּמִן הַמַּתָּנוֹת, וְאֵינָן יוֹצְאִין לְחֻלִּין לְהִגָּזֵז וּלְהֵעָבֵד, וּוְלָדָן וַחֲלָבָן אָסוּר לְאַחַר פִּדְיוֹנָן, וְהַשּׁוֹחֲטָן בַּחוּץ חַיָּב, וְעוֹשִׂין תְּמוּרָה, וְאִם מֵתוּ, יִקָּבֵרוּ:


כל הקדשים שקדם מדם קוע להקדישן – behold they are like one who dedicates–sanctifies wood and stones, and there isn’t in them an object which is consecrated as such.

ונפדו חייבין בככורות – if they gave birth after hey were redeemed, but not prior to redemption, for that which is consecrated for its value is superseded from the first born [animal] for holiness does not takes effect on something already possessing holiness.

וולדן וחלבן מותר לאחר פדיונן – but he dedicates–sanctifies [animals[ without physical blemish but if they became physically blemished and were redeemed, their offspring are forbidden as mentioned above. But whether regarding the first clause [of the Mishnah] where it is taught that is permitted or the latter clause [of the Mishnah] where it is taught that is forbidden, we are dealing with a case where the animal became pregnant prior to its redemption and that it gave birth after its redemption, and its milk also, when we sanctify [animals] without physical blemish and they were redeemed, he derives them that they are prohibited, as it is written regarding consecrated animals that are disqualified that were redeemed (Deuteronomy 12:15): “[But whatever you desire], you may slaughter and eat meat [in any of your settlements],’ you may slaughter, but not shear, you may eat, but not for your dogs, meat, but not milk–forbidden fat.

ואין עושין תמורה – [and you don’t make an exchange of one sacrificial animal for another] even prior to their redemption. [An animal] that is good initially one can make an exchange of one sacrificial animal for another, and even I it becomes bad after one has sanctified it, but an animal that is initially bad, one does not do an exchange of one sacrificial animal for another.

ואם מתו יפדו – and even though they ae not appropriate other than for dogs and we hold that we don’t redeem Holy Things to feed them to dogs. These are like mere wood and they do not remove the object which is consecrated which is irredeemable.

חוץ מן הבכור והמעשר – and even though their physical blemishes preceded their dedication–sanctification, complete holiness takes effect for all their things, urt they are not fit to be sacrificed, for the All-Merciful assigned the firstborn in the womb, and it makes no difference whether it is pure or whether there is a physical defect, it is holy. He pure animal is offered up, but the one with a physical defect, the Kohen consumes with its defect, and the tithing of cattle is also written concerning it (Leviticus 27:32-33): “[All tithes of the herd or flock – of all that passes under the shepherd’s staff,] every thenty one -shalll be holy to the LOD. He must not look out for good as against bad, [or make substitution for it].” “Good” is an unblemished bull; bad is a bull with a physical defect.

מום עובר קודם לשהקדישו – a passing physical defect is like he lacks it.

פטורים מן הבכורה – as it is written regarding consecrated animals that are disqualified that were redeemed (Deuteronomy 12:15): “ [The unclean and the clean alike may partake of it,] as of the gazelle and the deer.” Just as the gazelle and the deer are exempt from the law appertaining to first-born animals, because it is written (Deuteronomy 15:19): }You shall.consecrate to the LORD your God all male firstlings that are born in your herd and in your flock,” even consecrated animals that are disqualified that were redeemed even if they were born after they were redeemed, they are exemot from the law appertaining to the first-born.

המתנות – the shoulder, the cheeks and the stomach.

וולדן וחלבן – we are speaking of when it became pregnant before its redemption and gave birth after its redemption, as was explained above. If it became pregnant and gave birth after its redemption, its offspring is a deer and a ram. But if it did not give birth prior to its redemption, even if its physical defect preceded its dedication–sanctification, also, its offspring are forbidden.

והשוחטן בחוץ חייב – and even though they are not worthy for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting because they have physical defects, and it is taught in the Mishnah (actually a Baraita, Tractate Yoma 63b and Tractate Temurah 6b): That which is worthy for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, we are liable for [if slaughtered] outside [the Temple courtyard], and that which is not worthy inside, we are not liable for [if slaughtered] outside, Our Mishnah establishes it as a veiled or withered spot in the eye–cataract and that it is [the opinion of] Rabbi Akiva who stated (see Tractate Zevakhim, Chapter 9, Mishnah 3) that [regarding animals that are blemished], if they have gone up, they should not go down; therefore, for since they are inside, they do not go down, and we are liable for them outside if he slaughtered them prior to their redemption.

ועושין תמורה – prior to their redemption, as it is written (Leviticus 27:10): “[One may not exchange or substitute another for it,] either good for bad, or bad for good; [if one does substitute one animal for another, the thing vowed and its substitute shall both be holy].”

ואם מתו – from their own accord.

יקברו – and we don’t redeem the Holy Things to feed them to the dogs.

כל הקדשים שקדם מום קבוע להקדשן. הרי הן כמקדיש עצים ואבנים לדמיהן, ואין בהן קדושת הגוף:

ונפדו חייבין בבכורה. אם ילדו לאחר שנפדו. אבל קודם פדיון לא, דקדושת דמים מדחה מן הבכורה שאין קדושה חלה על קדושה:

וולדן וחלבן מותר לאחר פדיונן. אבל מקדיש תמימים ונעשו בעלי מומין ונפדו ולדן אסור כדלקמן. ובין רישא דקתני מותר ובין סיפא דקתני אסור מיירי כגון דאיעבר לפני פדיונו ואתיליד לאחר פדיונו. וחלבן נמי דמקדיש תמימים ונפדו נפקא לן דאסור, דכתיב בפסולי המוקדשין שנפדו תזבח ואכלת בשר, תזבח ולא גיזה, ואכלת ולא לכלביך, בשר ולא חלב:

ואין עושין תמורה. אפילו קודם פדיונן. טוב מעיקרא עושה תמורה ואפילו נעשה רע אחר שהקדישו, אבל רע מעיקרו אינו עושה תמורה:

ואם מתו יפדו. ואף על פי שאינן ראויין אלא לכלבים ואנן קיימא לן דאין פודין את הקדשים להאכילן לכלבים, הני כעצים בעלמא נינהו ולא נחית להו קדושת הגוף:

חוץ מן הבכור והמעשר. דאך על גב דקדם מומן להקדשן, חלה עליהן קדושה גמורה לכל דבריהם, אלא שאין כשרים ליקרב, דבכור ברחם תלה רחמנא, לא שנא תם ולא שנא בעל מום קדיש. תם קרב, ובעל מום נאכל לכהן במומו. ומעשר בהמה נמי כתיב ביה (ויקרא כ״ז:ל״ב-ל״ג) העשירי יהיה קודש לה׳ לא יבקר בין טוב לרע. טוב תם, רע בעל מום:

או מום עובר קודם להקדישן. דמום עובר כמאן דליתיה דמי:

פטורים מן הבכורה. דכתיב בפסולי המוקדשין שנפדו כצבי וכאיל, מה צבי ואיל פטורים מן הבכורה, דהא כל הבכור אשר יולד בבקרך ובצאנך כתיב (דברים ט״ו:י״ט), אף פסולי המוקדשין שנפדו אפילו ילדו לאחר שנפדו פטורים מן הבכורה:

ומן המתנות. הזרוע והלחיים והקיבה:

ולדן וחלבן אסור. בדאיעבר לפני פדיונו ואתיליד לאחר פדיונו מיירי, כדפרישית לעיל. דאי איעבר ואתיליד לאחר פדיונו, ולד צבי ואיל הוא. ואי אתיליד לפני פדיונו, אפילו קדם מומן להקדשן נמי ולדן אסור:

והשוחטן בחוץ חייב. ואע״ג דאינן ראוין לפתח אוהל מועד דהא בעלי מומין נינהו, ותנן הראוי לפתח אהל מועד חייבין עליו בחוץ ושאינו ראוי לפנים אין חייבים עליו בחוץ, מוקמינן לה למתניתין בדוקין שבעין ור׳ עקיבא היא דאמר אם עלו לא ירדו, הלכך הואיל ובפנים לא ירדו, חייבין עליהם בחוץ אם שחטן קודם פדיונן:

ועושין תמורה. קודם פדיונן. דכתיב (ויקרא כ״ז:י׳) טוב ברע או רע בטוב:

ואם מתו. מעצמן:

יקברו. דאין פודין את הקדשים להאכילן לכלבים: