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Mishnayos Bava Metzia Perek 8 Mishnah 5

בבא מציעא פרק ח׳ משנה ה׳


In the case of one who sells his olive trees to another so he can chop them down and use them for their wood, and before he chopped them down they yielded olives, if the olives are of a quality that could provide the value of less than a quarter-log of oil per se’a of olives, these olives are the property of the new owner of the olive trees, i.e., the buyer. If they yielded olives that could provide the value of a quarter-log or more of oil per se’a of olives, and this one, the buyer, says: My olive trees yielded the olives and so I have a right to them, and that one, the seller, says: The nourishment from my land yielded the olives and so I have a right to them, then they divide the olives between them. In the event that a river swept away one’s olive trees and deposited them in the field of another, and they took root there and yielded olives, this one, i.e., the owner of the trees, says: My olive trees yielded the olives and so I have a right to them, and that one, i.e., the owner of the field, says: The nourishment from my land yielded the olives and so I have a right to them, then they divide the olives between them.

הַמּוֹכֵר זֵיתָיו לְעֵצִים, וְעָשׂוּ פָּחוֹת מֵרְבִיעִית לִסְאָה, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ שֶׁל בַּעַל הַזֵּיתִים. עָשׂוּ רְבִיעִית לִסְאָה, זֶה אוֹמֵר זֵיתַי גִּדְּלוּ, וְזֶה אוֹמֵר אַרְצִי גִדְּלָה, יַחֲלֹקוּ. שָׁטַף נָהָר זֵיתָיו וּנְתָנָם לְתוֹךְ שְׂדֵה חֲבֵרוֹ, זֶה אוֹמֵר זֵיתַי גִּדְּלוּ, וְזֶה אוֹמֵר אַרְצִי גִדְּלָה, יַחֲלֹקוּ:


המוכר זיתיו לעצים – to cut them down to burn them and he detained them in the ground.

ועשו – bad olives for a Seah of them did not produce one-quarter of a log of oil.

הרי אלו של בעל הזיתים – for less than one-fourth [of a log] people aren’t strict/particular about it. Ands the one-quarter that they mentioned, outside of the removal which he takes out at their olive harvest and at their pressing. And our Mishnah [deals with] when he sells his olives to merely cut them down. But if he said to him to cut them down immediately, even less than one-quarter [of a Log of oil per Seah] to the owner of the field. But if he said to cut them when he would desire, even more than one-quarter [of a Log of oil] would go to the owner of the olives.

וזה אומר ארצי גידלה יחלוקו – In the Gemara (Bava Metzia 101a), it establishes it as in the case where a river swept away the olives with their clods [of earth], that is, with the ground that is surrounding them that they are able to live through it, and because of that, they are exempt from Orlah (i.e. the prohibition of eating the fruit of trees of the first three years), and all the first three years is when they would divide it between them, for even though the land of this one grew them, nevertheless, if not for their clods [of earth], one would not be able to eat from them because of [the laws of] Orlah. But after the first three years, everything [belongs] to the owner of the ground, for he said to him: If had planted it, after three [years], I would not have been able to eat of them.

המוכר זיתיו לעצים. שיקוץ אותן לשרפם, והשהה אותן בקרקע:

ועשו. זיתים רעים שאין בסאה שלהם רביעית שמן:

הרי אלו של בעל הזיתים. דבפחות מרביעית לא קפדי אינשי. ורביעית שאמרו, חוץ מן ההוצאה שהוא מוציא במסיקתן ובעצירתן. ומתניתין בשמכר זיתיו על מנת לקוץ סתם. אבל אם אמר לו לקוץ מיד, אפילו פחות מרביעית לבעל הקרקע. ואם אמר לקוץ לכשתרצה, אפילו יותר מרביעית לבעל הזיתים:

וזה אומר ארצי גידלה יחלוקו. בגמרא מוקי לה כגון ששטף נהר הזיתים עם גושיהן, דהיינו עם הקרקע שסביבותיהן שהן יכולים לחיות על ידו, ומפני כן הם פטורים מערלה. וכל שלש שנים הראשונות הוא דיחלוקו, דאע״ג דקרקע של זה מגדלן, מכל מקום אי לאו גושיהן לא הוי מצי אכיל מנייהו משום ערלה. אבל לאחר שלש שנים הכל לבעל הקרקע, דאמר ליה, אי אנא נטעי, לאחר שלש מי לא הוה אכילנא: